IMPACT KiDS! is an after-school Bible club, bringing fun and interaction to children in our community. We're all about reaching kids at Malakoff Elementary School who are in 1st through 5th grade.
What is it? Sixty minutes of fun, engaging activities, object lessons and science experiments, games and more- all while teaching the truth of God's Word!
There is an ongoing battle for the hearts and lives of kids today, and there are many children who have never been inside a church building. These children have deep, tough questions about God and the Bible. They have real worries and challenges. And, they live in a world that insists there are no absolutes. We cannot continue to overlook them.
Every lesson has the Good News of Jesus at its core and seeks to lead the next generation to understand how to have a relationship with Him. Each semester we will meet for 10 sessions on Mondays, beginning on September 11th from 3:45 - 4:45 pm. During this time, our desire is for the students to gain personal spiritual growth.