Bookish Bible Study | fridayS (WEEKLY) 6:15-7:15 AM

First Baptist Malakoff Men gather at Bookish Bookstore in Malakoff on Friday mornings from 6:15 AM—7:15 AM. Our current study is on the New Testament Epistles.

The Forge | SundayS (BI-WEEKLY) 6:00-7:30 PM

The Forge is a multigenerational men’s ministry program for men of all ages 15+. The Fall season will focus on the influential role of habits in becoming the men God created us to be. To this end, we will be discussing Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms. Get your own copy here.

Mark these dates on your calendar so you don't miss out on any of our scheduled sessions:

8.18 :: All Men’s Grill Out // Vision Casting for the Fall
9.1 :: Preparing Your Testimony
9.15 :: Waking & Bedtime
9.29 :: All Men’s Fish Fry // Mealtimes & Family Devotions
10.13 :: Formation & Screentime
10.19 :: Men’s Conference (Saturday)
10.27 :: Church-wide Fall Festival // Conversations (Off-Campus Group)
11.10 :: Work & Vocation
11.24 :: Church-wide Evening of Thanks // Play & Rest (Off-Campus Group)
12.8 :: Christmas Tailgate // Marriage