Women’s Bible Studies

Better - A Study of Hebrews

At each class you will discuss the assignment from the book for the past week and then watch the video Bible study for the next week. In these videos Jen Wilkin will explore the book of Hebrews verse by verse. You’ll discover through Paul’s letters that Scripture points to Christ as the new and better covenant for us to have access to God. This 10 session study offers a way for you to grow in your understanding of who Christ is and the hope of the new covenant.  

This 10 part study will be divide over the fall & spring months and will be held every other week to allow more time for you to fit in your home study. It will also be offered at two different times, a daytime class and an evening class.  Pick the class time that meets you schedule best. But if you want to or need to go to the other class throughout the study, no problem.  The classes will follow the same schedule so you can step into the other class when you need to and not be behind.  This study along with a fall recap lesson will continue into January, February & March of 2025. Childcare will be offered. A Love Offering for childcare will be appreciated but not mandatory for attendance.

  • When:

    • Thursday Afternoons 1:00 - 2:30PM, January 9th - March 20th

    • Monday Evenings 6:30 - 8:00PM, January 6th - March 17th

  • Location: FBC Malakoff

  • Book available for purchase on Amazon and Bookish

First Day Study

Kings of the Bible

Join us every Monday for a BYO lunch Bible study discussing a selection of the Kings in the Bible. This is a focused and time sensitive study – we start at noon and finish at 12:45. Anyone is welcome to jump into any of our stand-alone weekly studies!  There is no required homework, but you are encouraged to review the text for next week’s study. You will be provided with a recommended daily reading plan. If you miss a week, no problem because you will never be behind due to the stand-alone weekly design of these studies! Join in as your schedule allows. This class is open to all women in our community and of all ages. Recommended materials: Bible, Journal, Pen or Highlighter. If you do not have a Bible, we have extra Bibles for you.   

  • Date: Mondays, starting January 9th

  • Times: 12:00-12:45PM

  • Location: Opal & Viv’s - 215 S. Terry Street , Malakoff

  • Recommended materials: Bible, Journal, Pen, Highlighter